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Great performance of the Ohrid high school students at the First National Space Olympiad, which was held in the Kasarna Hub. Students from OSU “St. Kliment Ohridski” and won almost all the prizes in the competition of secondary schools from the south-western region.

First prize: Nina Stevoska and Gorazd Blazeski with the theme “Supernova”.

Second prize: Nina Neloska and Sara Ristesca with a comic book in the “Journey from Earth to Mars” challenge – mentor prof. Menka G oreska. Second prize: Jovana Dimoska, Jana Petanova and Teodora Trajcheska with the topic: “Research for BallonSat” – mentor prof. Jasmina Janeva.

Third prize: Mitko Savev and Sofia Mileska with the topic “Man is not the only one to blame for climate change” – mentor prof. Jasmina Janeva.

Third prize: Christian Shishkoski, Eva Kitrozoska and Maya Naumoska with the topic “Achilles and the limits of the Universe” – mentors prof. Jasmina Janeva and Prof. Maria Siljanoska.

Special prize INTERSTELLAR STEAM GIRLS TEAM: Jovana Simonoska and Ivana Skokleska with a comic made in the challenge “Journey from Earth to Mars” – mentor prof. Maria Siljanoska.

The teams: Stefani Krstic and Lea Dojchinoski, Melanie Kotoska, Maria A. Nikoloska and Nikolina Buteska and Svezdan Yoncevski, Katerina Baleva and Petar Yonceski under the mentorship of Professor Darko Cvetkoski who, during the presentations, was also the technical support of all the teams, added the Ohrid high school. Barracks Hub is made possible through the EU4M project – project funded by the EU


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