Intellectual property is one of the key elements for startup businesses and small and medium-sized businesses enterprises – because it creates new values and new ways to monetize those values.
Through this workshop, the participants got familiar with the possibilities to:
• increase their chances of getting investments
• protect their own products and services from competitors
• to rapidly increase their market share
• create strategic partnerships and joint investments
• increase their chances of negotiation / takeover by larger corporations
• successfully prepare for IPO – initial public offering offering shares on the stock exchange
• increase the chances of rapid growth and development
• have the possibility of creating multimillion

Gogo Rafailovski is the lecturer – he is Operating Director of the Technology Park – SEEEUTechPark and Intellectual Property consultant helping innovative startups reach their maximum potential.
Through a long 15-year professional career in running startup centers, business incubators, accelerators and technology parks, he has built a portfolio of an experienced mentor, with a passion for technologies and brands.
He has extensive practical knowledge of: operational management, investing in startups, intellectual property and valuations.