With particular joy, we inform the children and parents who are part of our programming trainings that we managed to secure the necessary financial means to hold the trainings. Thanks to the support and openness to new partnerships of Macedonia2025, 167 of our children will have the opportunity to complete the entire 3-month training and get to know the basics of coding and become the next generation of leaders with developed digital skills necessary for the professions of the 21- since the century.
Macedonia2025- International, independent, non-political “think- tank” founded in 2007 by Macedonian expatriates. Their goal is to drive sustainable economic growth that will improve opportunities for citizens, companies and foreign investors. They include a wide range of programs that enable expatriates to give back to their homeland, including programs that support young talent to reach their full potential and become successful professionals.
Stellar Solutions Skopje Municipality of Ohrid EU4Municipalities #makedonija2025 #mk2025scholarships